^^just a normal girl ^^

I'm just a normal girl without any talent... If I make any mistake, please tell me about it...

Lately all the lecturers were busy with their stuff….
So, it gave us chance to be lazy….
Haha… (I can wake up late in the morning….)
Today our class starts on 12pm….
The subject was sport and recreation…
Before the lecturer arrive, some of my classmate busy plucking rambutans…
When the lecturer saw what we did, he suggest brought us up to the mountain for the fruit…
Since it can be consider as one of the recreation activity….
First time plucking rambutans with permission during lesson….
We got two big bags of rambutan and some mangosteen too…
Actually when my friends told me that there were mangosteen I’m not 100% believe….
Seeing with my own eyes and holding the fruits with my own hand make me believe now….
Although a bit hot having lesson up there, we all enjoyed it very much…
Hope there will be more activity like this again…

The view from top...(Rambutans... the main hero...)

The lecturer is taking our photo....

F3B with our acquisition...

mangosteen that we got...


you know, i was wondering, which lecturer so geng, bring you all go pluck rambutans, haha... rupa2nya is Tuan Syed, ahahaha...

he gt teach u????
if gt u can ask him to take u also...
he so sayang u....